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Barrio residencial
  • What kind of information does the Yellowbook provide?
    Homeowner name and address Loan date and amount Appraised value of the home Calculate equity And MUCH more!
  • Does the Yellowbook do liens searches?
    Absolutely! We have 2 options to fit your needs. We offer full liens searches at a rate of $35/property. We also offer a Premium Edition of our Yellowbook that provides a lien search on EVERY property in Bexar County which is available 2 weeks before auction.
  • Isn’t all the data public information?
    Yes. All the data we collect are from public websites. It’s not about us having exclusive access to data you don’t have – it’s about saving TIME! What sounds better – sitting behind your phone or computer searching for 45 min to an hour and a half per property? Or, having hundreds of properties that are fully researched giving you the freedom to have more contracts signed and make more money, more often?
  • I’ve heard of other companies that sound like they do the same thing. What makes the Yellowbook different?
    We are the timeliest. Anytime a property is posted to the County Courthouse, we immediately start researching that property regardless of foreclosure date. When we have a new batch of properties researched, we immediately send an update to you 2-3 times a week so you’re always in the know of the latest properties in pre-foreclosure We are the most reliable. Our research department is headed by our President of Research who has been researching properties both for himself and for other companies for nearly 25 years. He knows exactly where to look, how to look, and what to look for. We get you ahead of the competition. Properties are often posted up to 3 and sometimes 4 months before their auction date. Then we send you the report giving you access to properties that many others either don’t know about or haven’t been able to make the time to research the property.
  • Do you also provide tax foreclosures?
    We only provide research on properties in mortgage or HOA pre-foreclosure.
  • How soon will I get the report?
    Our report is updated and sent to our subscribers 2-3 times a week. Our Final Report which includes every property that may be auctioned off will be sent out 21-18 days before auction date. For our Premium Edition, the report will be available about 14 days before auction date.
  • Do you provide training seminars or classes?
    We do! The Thursday after auction we hold a Meet & Greet where we discuss in more detail our report including how to read the report, how to utilize and maximize the report, how to get a head of your competition, contracts, networking, as well as a Q&A. Call us for more information.
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